Software port list

2024 Sep 21  |  2 min read  |  tags: infra (1)


  • List of ports used by most used services.
  • Recommended ports for services without well defined default ports (mostly from the big data ecosystem)

Protected ports (upto 1024)

  • 22 - SSH (usually rotated to use some other port)
  • 53 - DNS
  • 80 - HTTP (used for initial SSL certificate negotiation)
  • 465 - SMTP - TLS
  • 443 - HTTPS
  • 587 - SMTP - startTLS

Default user ports for services (beyond 1024)

  • 1433 - Microsoft SQL Server
  • 1883 - MQTT
  • 2181 - Zookeeper
  • 3306 - Mysql
  • 5432 - PostgreSQL
  • 5672 - RabbitMQ
  • 6379 - Redis
  • 6443 - Kubernetes API server
  • 7474 - Neo4j
  • 9092 - Kafka (client listener over TCP)
  • 26257 - CockroachDB
  • 27017 - MongoDB (Mongod, Mogos)

Port list by service (alphabetical)

  • Ceph (varies a lot)
    • Ceph monitor
      • 3300 - preferred - TCP
      • 6789 - TCP
    • Object storage daemons
      • (6800-7300) or (6800-7568) - Open up the entire port range
  • Clickhouse
    • 2181 - Zookeeper
    • Interactions
      • 8123 - HTTP default
      • 8443 - HTTP SSL/TLS
      • 9440 - Native SSL/TLS
      • 9000 - Clickhouse TCP protocol
    • Emulation
      • 9004 - Mysql emulation port
      • 9005 - Postgres emulation (and SSL if enabled)
    • Inter-server
      • 9009 - Inter-server comms
      • 9010 - Inter-server SSL/TLS comms
    • External
      • 9019 - JDBC
      • 9100 - gRPC
    • Keeper
      • 9181 - Clickhouse keeper
      • 9234 - Keeper raft port
      • 9281 - Recommended SSL keeper
    • 9363 - Prometheus metrics default
    • 42000 - Graphite default
  • HDFS
    • Varies wildly, based on provider
  • Kafka
    • 9092
  • Kubernetes
    • 443 - SSL (production)
    • 6443 - HTTP
  • MQTT
    • 1883 - unencrypted
    • 8883 - TLS( or SSL)
    • 443 - Websocket
    • 14567 - QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connection)
  • Prometheus
    • 9090 - default listener