Niraj Zade

Python unicode string comparison and normalization schemes

2024 May 06  |  8 min read  |  tags: python 2

Table Of Contents:

The problem

The usual ASCII string comparison is simple -

  1. Normalize both strings by converting them to lower-case
  2. Compare the strings
# ascii string comparison
def compare_ascii(str1: str, str2:str) ->bool:
    return str1.lower == str2.lower

On the other hand, unicode string comparison is much harder to do. The strings cannot always be normalized by simple uppercase/lowercase conversion. Eg - scripts that don't have the concept of uppercase/lowercase, but still have different representations for the same character.

Note : Unicode calls the written letters to be part of scripts. Not languages. Eg - The language Hindi is written in Devanagari script

Here is comparison of 2 different representations of the letter 'a' in different scripts:

>> False

So, how do you even tackle this problem?

What makes unicode string comparison hard?

The source of the problem is -

Multiple representations of the same character in different scripts


Here are the ways in which the letter 'a' can be written:

๏ฝ ๐’‚ แตƒ ๐˜ข ๐–† ยช ๐“ช ๐šŠ ๐‘Ž ๐—ฎ โ‚ โ“ ๐•’ ๐–บ ๐’ถ ๐™– ๐š ๐”ž

And when you compare these characters, the comparison will fail.

# compare `๐–บ` and `๏ฝ`
>> False

# compare lowercase representations
>>> print('๐–บ'.lower()=='๏ฝ'.lower())

Multiple representations of the same logical characters within a script

Example - In the German script 'รŸ' and 'SS' are equivalent. But, they cannot be directly compared.

'รŸ' == 'SS'
>> False

'รŸ'.lower() == 'SS'.lower()
>> False

So, to compare such strings, you need a smarter comparison system. The system should know which characters are logically equivalent. The python unicodedata module helps with this.


The solution has 2 steps:

  1. Normalize the unicode strings
  2. Make the normalized strings caseless
  3. Compare the normalized & caseless strings
from unicodedata import normalize

def check_equality_unicode(str1: str, str2:str) -> bool:
    str1_normalized = normalize("NFKC",str1)
    str1_normalized_caseless = str1_normalized.casefold()

    str2_normalized = normalize("NFKC",str2)
    str2_normalized_caseless = str2_normalized.casefold()

    return str1_normalized_caseless == str2_normalized_caseless

This function is universal - It works for both Unicode and ASCII strings.

"NFKC" used above is a normalization form. There are 4 standard unicode normalization forms, each with different behaviours. More on them later.

Test cases

There are 3 test cases that you can put into in your codebases:

  1. check_equality_unicode('ฮฃฮฏฯƒฯ…ฯ†ฮฟฯ‚', 'ฮฃฮŠฮฃฮฅฮฆฮŸฮฃ') should equate to True
  2. check_equality_unicode('a', '๏ฝ') should equate to True
  3. check_equality_unicode('abc', 'ABC') should equate to True

Normalization in depth

The 4 normalization forms

There are 4 normalization form available for unicode:

  1. NFD - Normalization Form D - Characters undergo canonical decomposition
  2. NFC - Normalization Form C - Characters undergo canonical decomposition, followed by canonical composition
  3. NFKD - Normalization Form KD - Characters undergo compatibility decomposition
  4. NFKC - Normalization Form KC - Characters undergo compatibility decomposition, followed by canonical composition

Legend to understand the naming scheme:

A table makes their differences clearer -

Form Normalization form Canonical Decomposition Compatibility Decomposition Canonical Composition
NFD Form D Yes
NFC Form C Yes Yes
NFKD Form KD Yes
NFKC Form KC Yes Yes

The decomposition can be canonical or compatible. But the re-composition is always canonical.

More details are available in unicode's documentation - - Unicode Normalization Forms

Choosing a normalization form

Choice of normalization form depends on the application. The decision is made by answering by two questions:

  1. Which decomposition does the application need - canonical or compatibility?
  2. After the characters are decomposed, should the characters to be re-composed canonically?

Canonical vs compatibility decomposition

The compatibility decomposition is built over canonical decomposition, by putting in additional rules. The compatibility conversion transforms characters into their more common forms. This "simplification" using more common forms leads to some information loss. This is the reason why all canonical sequences are compatible, but all compatible sequences are not canonical.

Following is an example from the original document.

Notice how the exponent 5 gets converted into a simpler integer 5 by the Compatibility Decomposition algorithms of NFKD and NFKC. This simplification causes information loss - when looking at the normalized string, there is no way to know if the 5 originally was an exponent 5 or a normal 5.

Information loss in normalization

Normalization causes information loss. Once a string is normalized, it cannot always be converted back to the original string.

Here's an example - Suppose an ASCII string "HelLO TheRE" is converted to lowercase - "hello there". During this operation, the information that told which characters are uppercase got lost. So now, the lowercase "hello there" cannot be reverted back to the original "HelLO TheRE".

A similar thing happens during unicode normalization. Once a string is normalized, it cannot always be converted back to the original form due to information loss.

There are several reasons for this. Some of them are:

Here is an example from stackoverflow discussion on NFC vs NFD normalization - stackoverflow - When to use Unicode Normalization Forms NFC and NFD?

U+0387 GREEK ANO TELEIA (ฮ‡) is defined as canonical equivalent to U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT (ยท) This was a mistake, as the characters are really distinct and should be rendered differently and treated differently in processing. But itโ€™s too late to change that, since this part of Unicode has been carved into stone. Consequently, if you convert data to NFC or otherwise discard differences between canonically equivalent strings, you risk getting wrong characters.

When to use normalization, and when not to use normalization


Normalization is required when two strings are being compared. Especially when dealing with non-english strings in multi-lingual apps.


By default, never normalize during data storage. If you're overriding this default, you better have a good reason for it. If you're normalizing a string before storing it into a database, store both versions of the string - original(un-normalized) and normalized.

Don't use normalization during storage in use cases where the information loss due to normalization can cause problems. Normalization can change the way a string looks.

Some examples are:


Further reading


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